Premiumlogy Birdnest Berhad opens up a wide horizon of investment sustainability and reliability .
• Huge demand from China market
• Limited supply worldwide
(only 4 countries produce)
• Pandemic & Recession proof
• Existing swiftlet population with natural eco-system
• Organically self-reproducing
• Natural exponential growth
• High product value with high profit margin
• Largely untapped markets worldwide
Premiumlogy Birdnest Berhad has acquired 600 acres of land in the state of Kelantan for the development of agricultural swiftlet farming. Kelantan is now Malaysia s second biggest bird nest producer.
Our team of experienced consultants will conduct tests to determine whether the area has sufficient swiflet bird population and the eco system to support before select the area to construct bird house. And the installation of necessary facilities to attract swiftlet to enter the bird house to breed.